De week van Splinternet, pro-phishers en de moeilijke vragen van Facebook
Anything that’s mildly controversial is probably illegal in some authoritarian country. So we could end up with a really sanitized internet, where all that’s left is cute cat photos.
If the company wants to live up to its commitments here, it will require even harder work, harder thinking, harder scrutiny, and harder debates. Yes, it might require sometimes banning extremists in cowboy hats.
It’s much easier for digital attackers to install malware on a computer or gain access to a network by tricking people into interacting with questionable web content than through purely technological hacks. Human tendencies turn out to be much easier to exploit than complex digital defenses
You can surveil people entering both parts of the artwork. Everyone is instructed to pause to be photographed, and we comply, without thought, leaving behind digital bread crumbs.